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Where are we going with all this WALLPAPER?

Ok, so there is nothing new about blogging...... except my blog...... very new. Already, I am wondering, do I have anything to add to this conversation? What hasn't been said already - just Google " Wallpaper " and you will see what I mean.

However, ( Ha! The big HOWEVER ) as an installer, I have wanted to add my own thoughts to this conversation, and as this is MY website, I guess I get to do that.

I work with wallpaper everyday. Can you imagine that! Visions of Lucille Ball frantically trying to hold up a collapsing panel of wallpaper and frustrated couples on their way to Divorce Court come to mind. I even like taking it off! Can you imagine that?

From the time we bought our first home in 1981, and a friend helped me to wallpaper my little kitchen (Thankyou Bonnie Smith) I have been in love with wallpaper.

We will not talk about the "faux years". I have dear friends who would be insulted, but I secretly harbored my love of wallpaper and managed a few small projects on the side. I mean, they were even printing wallpaper to look like faux finishing. Ridiculous.

So, here we are in 2016, and wallpaper has once again claimed its place on the wall.

It will transform your space like you are not prepared for. I don't know how else to say it. Get ready. You are going to love it.

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